i see it!

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Rj Monasha makes it back to the radio scene!!

It was nice..being offered and called and insisted that i start immediately
*I preen like a peacock*

so i'll be on air here :)

listening on 12:52 AM

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Thanx to my coffee

He smiles to himself,
As he thinks of her,
Sitting alone in her kitchen,
Sipping coffee.
She thinks of him too,
But little does he know it.
Both pass each other every day,
Without passing on the knowledge,
Of their inwardly turned love.
Time and time again it happens,
For who has the courage to say it first,
Or do they just enjoy,
Their secret love affair.

listening on 10:35 PM

Sunday, December 03, 2006

My blog has a new face
I feel like a proud mommy :-D

listening on 4:13 PM