i see it!

Monday, August 22, 2005

Wow, i didnt even know I hadnt written in 12 days...That isnt like me.
Life isnt like me....
Im not like me.

Was wondering today what my real self and my idea self are like, how far apart are they?
Will i be able to close the gap in time and become what i want to be?
What I hope to be?

Have a lot to put up here but have to wait till i load all the drivers and gadgets back again. Stupid computer!

listening on 9:24 PM

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

In last 24 hours I encountered 5 power failures and spent around 13 hours without electricity. As far as I can remember I have always heard on PTV news or in recent years other news media, officials and ministers saying something similar to ‘after two years there will be no power break downs’ ‘after 3 years’ ‘from next year’ and so on.

Khair, I am total ‘tun’ now. Don’t know what I am talking about, maybe Marium’s blog has some light for me. God bless us.

Posted By : JonyBr

listening on 1:28 AM

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

When the sea speaks, only my stormy heart understands!
It says to me, come only with a young heart,
When you are alive with emotions and feelings
kiss my face and hear me well,
Coz I will show you where your storms and stars come from!

listening on 6:33 PM

Monday, August 01, 2005

A friend said that to love sumone and then lose them is very painful, another said that to love someone and not being loved back in return is more agonizing, but I think that to love someone and not have the courage to declare it is probably the most pitiful and painful aspect of ones life.
So a friend asks me...
"But do u know wat love is...?"
I dont know wat love is, maybe it's a chemical reaction, maybe Ero's and aphrodite themselves, maybe a reunion of 2 halves of a single creature split apart in the past life!!
It's the feeling that wont let u rest in peace till u attain it's mirage, it wud keep drawing u back till u dont succumb to its charms.
Dont u think?

*dunno why this came to my mind...*

listening on 12:22 PM